February 2, 2012

All in it's time

Here I sit, wishing there were some awesome painting done and room completed pictures. Alas, the motivation hasn't been there. There are, however, quite a few sewing projects being swept off the to-do list.
 I can't remember if this has been mentioned before (mom brain) but I'm starting to realize that I work in streaks. So far it goes something like this: knit for insane amounts of time for approximately 1 week, get sick of that; head to the library and stash up some good reads. Read everyday until the books are done. Realize that the house still isn't going to get clean unless I do it, spend a few days catching up on laundry and cleaning. Cleaning really isn't my thing. Find something much funner (sewing!) and embark on two weeks of projects.

Hmmm, somewhere I need to fit that painting in...It seems odd that this awareness is just sinking in, but I'm trying to embrace it and just keep on finishing the half-done things as their time comes instead of stressing and feeling guilty all the time.

This grainy photo is my second attempt at clothes. We'll just skip over the first one, if you don't mind..well even if you do, since you ain't got a choice. Just take my word that it's pretty awful! Anyways, this is just a very simple nightgown that reminds me of 'olden days'. It actually worked out well, since L has been interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder lately, and she was excited too, because the fabric had been picked out over a year ago. So far the nightgown has been worn for eight nights running.

The top picture is the finished blanket from the last post. I decided not to do a separate binding and I like how it turned out, the only problem was trying to figure out the corners. I now have a new friend whom I spent many hours getting to know very well. It goes by the delightful name "seam ripper". Eventually I decided to do a diagonal corner (had to quick check the picture, and nope, you can't actually see it in this one...) which  adds a little something to an otherwise pretty basic blanket.

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