January 13, 2012

Can You Guess?

 The pictures should give you a few clues as to what 'kind' of baby we are having..

This is my first knitted sweater, and first two pairs of socks. The socks were actually much easier than expected, but that might have something to do with being 2 needle ones that get seamed. I'm hopeful that I can tackle a 'real' pair next  since the construction of the heel is pretty similar.

 After finishing this hat and socks, I'm pretty sure they aren't even going to fit this little one. My kids aren't know for having small, or even normal, sized heads. In fact, B didn't even fit into his going home outfit and his Nana had to quick dig out and wash some bigger clothes so he could come home. You just never know, maybe we'll have a littler one this time. If not, there are plenty of other babies coming to pass them on to!

This will also be my first quilt. The top is actually further along the picture shows, it's been all cut, pinned and  is about 1/3 of the way sewed. The pattern is pretty basic one that's been made up as it goes along but I'm pretty happy with it so far! The current dilemma is how to finish it- since we'll hopefully have mostly warm weather when it's needed my thought is to not do any batting and do a self-binding back. Hmm.

Hope you are all doing something fun-the cupboards and closets are also getting cleaned out around here which feels awesome this time of year! I believe the thrifty load count is somewhere around 4. Yahoo!


Anonymous said...

I love that fabric!
Meg Isaacson

Krista said...

Aw, a girl! How fun for your older two.

Annika said...

Love the quilt fabric!! and amazing sweather/booties/hat! Love them all! Fun to be having a boy too:)

Anonymous said...

LOVE the quilt fabric!!